Hi! Here are some photos from the June 12-16 Youth Summer Horse Camp. Each photo is $10. If you plan to buy five or more photos, let me know and I will create a coupon code so you can pay $7 per photo as a volume discount. You can reach me at [email protected] or 858 395 1290.
INSTRUCTIONS: If you would like to purchase a photo, click on the photo and it will enlarge. On the bottom left of the screen, you will see a SHOPPING CART ICON. It will look like this:

Clicking the icon adds the photo to your shopping cart. Once you’ve added all of your photos, you can click the shopping cart at the TOP RIGHT of the screen to check out.
I hope your kids had fun. They look fantastic riding!
(Note: There are 10 pages of photos. You will need to scroll through to see all photos from this week’s camp as I’ve captured and edited 218 photos total.)
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